From the President and CEO

Elyse I Summers, JD
Listening and Learning from Your AAHRPP Experience
Shortly after I became President and CEO of AAHRPP 11 years ago, I embarked on a “listening tour.” I wanted to hear, firsthand, how both accredited and not-yet-accredited organizations viewed AAHRPP. What did AAHRPP do well? What could we do better? How could we serve you as we transitioned to what I described as AAHRPP 2.0?
A lot has changed since the first months of my tenure at AAHRPP—but not our commitment to continually improve in response to your input. So, I spent much of the summer reprising that listening tour, reaching out to U.S. and international organizations and having heartfelt conversations about how you feel about AAHRPP, accreditation, and the challenges and opportunities presented by today’s human research environment.
The tour was gratifying and enlightening.
In general, organizations have a more positive view of AAHRPP than in the past. They are proud of their accreditation status and the resulting benefits, including increased opportunities to partner on research and connect with colleagues via the Collaborative AAHRPP Network (CAN). Organizations also welcome our engagement at their events and look to us—as a resource and convener of experts—as we all adjust to the era of single IRB review, technological advances, and other inevitable changes.
Many organizations are still adapting to the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among what they miss most, and want AAHRPP (and others) to provide, are more opportunities for corporeal interaction: more in-person site visits, educational programs, and “listening visits” from me and other AAHRPP team members. This is especially true of our international organizations.
Let’s face it, we miss each other. Although we all appreciate what teleconferencing made possible during the pandemic, we also recognize that there are times when there’s no substitute for “the real thing.” That’s why 90% of those who attended our 2024 AAHRPP Annual Conference in San Diego this past spring did so in person. We expect that percentage or higher for our 2025 AAHRPP Annual Conference: HRPP Dedication, Dialogue, and Discovery in Denver May 20-22. Save the date!
AAHRPP had already begun to address this shared desire for stronger connection before I completed my tour. We’ve hosted live educational webinars during working hours in international time zones. We also are holding a free “AAHRPP Around the World Conference” in Abu Dhabi on January 6, 2025.
One of the most heartwarming takeaways of this second tour is how organizations feel about the AAHRPP team. During my initial 2013-2014 tour, organizations said they needed more support from AAHRPP, and we took that to heart. Since then, we have expanded our team from six amazing full-time members to 13, plus two extraordinary consultants. Without exception, the individuals I interviewed had high praise for every AAHRPP team member.
Our next steps are to follow through on the lessons of this tour and keep you informed of the steps we will take in response. While it is too soon to provide specifics, I can assure you that you will be seeing more of us. And we are thrilled about that.
Elyse I. Summers, JD
AAHRPP President and CEO