How to Use the Resource Library
The Resource Library page defaults to showing all resources that are available to Organizations to help them obtain or maintain accreditation.
You can filter the resources in many ways to help you identify the ones you need:
- Use "All Resources" to filter by type of resource, such as Tipsheets, Accreditation Procedures, the Evaluation Instrument, and FAQs
- Use "Any Topic" to filter by stage of accreditation (e.g., Applying for Accreditation) or the action you need to take (e.g., Reports to AAHRPP)
- Use the Keyword search to identify a word in the title or body of a resource document you are looking for
- Use "Sort by Recommended Order" to organize the resources by date created or updated or by their title
Frequently Asked Questions: Documents to Pull
These FAQs provide guidance about documents organizations are requested to provide for site visits.
Frequently Asked Questions: General
These FAQs provide general guidance about most topics relating to AAHRPP Accreditation.