An independent, non-profit accrediting body, AAHRPP uses a voluntary, peer-driven, educational model to ensure that HRPPs meet rigorous standards for quality and protection.
Get Accredited
As the "gold seal," AAHRPP accreditation offers assurances—to research participants, researchers, sponsors, government regulators, and the general public—that an Organization's human research protection program (HRPP) is focused first and foremost on excellence.
Maintain Accreditation
Accredited Organizations renew their accreditations three years after the initial accreditation and every five years thereafter, by performing the same self-assessment and gap analysis required for the initial accreditation application.
What's New

Updated Evaluation Instrument available nowEVENT
REGISTRATION NOW OPEN for the 2025 AAHRPP Annual ConferenceMeet the World of AAHRPP



