Join Us for “Science and Standards in San Diego”
The 2024 AAHRPP Annual Conference, May 21-23
The 2024 Annual AAHRPP Conference continues our tradition of convening experts from across the research enterprise to tackle today’s most pressing research-related issues. Whether you’re looking to jump-start your accreditation, collaborate with colleagues, or gain insights on thought-provoking topics, you’ll want to join your peers at this fascinating hybrid event, “Science and Standards in San Diego.”
You can view the agenda here. Those who attend in person may qualify for up to 10.25 Certified IRB Professional (CIP) credits.
Accreditation Workshop, May 21
Designed for those working toward achieving or maintaining AAHRPP accreditation, this workshop walks participants through each step of the accreditation process and helps prepare them for a successful application, site visit, and Council on Accreditation review.
Workshop sessions are conducted by experienced AAHRPP site visitors and Council members. Mock interviews and other activities will ensure that participants have hands-on and concrete practice with IRB- and HRPP-related requirements.
“The bottom line,” says Robert Hood, PhD, AAHRPP Director of Accreditation and Global Outreach, “is that people who attend this workshop will leave familiar with all the AAHRPP application materials and how to best prepare for accreditation.”
The Accreditation Workshop also provides examples of well-documented policies and ways to assess HRPP quality and effectiveness. In addition, the workshop introduces applicants to members of the AAHRPP team and emphasizes their willingness to assist at any point during the accreditation process.
Collaborative AAHRPP Network (CAN) Workshop, May 21
The CAN was founded to provide accredited organizations with opportunities to work together on addressing current and future HRPP-related issues. Our 2024 CAN Workshop will drive discussions—and, ultimately, best practices—on the following:
- Collaboration in Action—The HRPP AI Collaborative: How HRPPs are Tackling AI and Machine Learning
- The Impact of Single IRB (sIRB): Incorporating sIRB Considerations into Your HRPP Evaluations
- Cruising Together: Values & Practices to Facilitate Community-Engaged Research
- Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR): Tools for IRB Review and Researcher Education
- Data and Biospecimen Management and Sharing: Lessons Learned.
- Recruiting, Training, and Evaluating IRB/EC Members
Topics and speakers reflect input from accredited organizations and “the grassroots nature of the CAN,” says Nichelle Cobb, PhD, CIP, AAHRPP Senior Advisor for Strategic Initiatives. “We chose the subjects based on feedback from last year’s workshop and selected presenters whose experience can serve as a model for other organizations. Ideally, after attending a presentation, our accredited organizations will say, ‘If others can do this, so can we.’”
CAN sessions also help identify ways that AAHRPP can further support accredited organizations.
Main Conference: Plenary Day and Breakout Sessions, May 22-23
Those of you who attended last year’s conference may recall that, for the first time, we devoted an entire day to plenary sessions followed by options to take a “deep dive” into your favorite plenary topic. Based on the extremely positive feedback, we are reprising that format this year.
Our first plenary, “Where We Were: Insider Insights into the Creation of the HRPP,” sets the stage by providing a historical perspective on the events and issues that led to the development of comprehensive, systematic human research protection programs. Next up is “Where We Are and Where We’re Going,” a discussion of the state of today’s HRPP, current challenges, and those on the horizon and beyond.
The third plenary, “Safeguarding Participants in Emerging Technologies: Ethical Considerations in Clinical Trials,” examines advances that have the potential both to revolutionize healthcare and raise thorny issues.
The final day of the Main Conference features 25 breakout sessions on an array of topics, including community engagement, diversity, informed consent, quality assurance, single IRB review, and more. Both Main Conference days offer ample opportunities to share concerns and brainstorm solutions, view poster presentations, meet with sponsors and exhibitors, and reconnect with colleagues.