(AAHRPP is) working with research facilities around the world to ensure that research participants' interests are of the highest concern.
Resources: For Accreditation - Tip Sheets
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Related Accreditation Elements: II.1.A.
Organizations should have an IRB or EC roster that meets legal or regulatory requirements and
allow the IRB or EC to meet legal or regulatory requirements for quorum and ensure appropriate
representation and expertise at IRB or EC meetings. Policies and procedures should describe the
process followed to query IRB or EC members upon appointment for roster information and poll
them periodically to evaluate for changes.
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For each IRB or EC, create a spreadsheet or database having the following columns and for each member of that IRB or EC list:
- Name of IRB or EC member.
- Earned degrees.
- Scientific status (i.e., scientist or non-scientist).
- Representative capacity (e.g., children, pregnant women, prisoners, economically disadvantaged, educationally disadvantaged, cognitively impaired adults, or Native Americans).
- Indications of experience. (Provide brief descriptors of all relevant experiences that describe each member’s chief anticipated contributions to IRB or EC deliberations, such as professions, life experiences with research or vulnerable populations, research experiences, IRB or EC experiences, certifications and licensures or other information as appropriate. Examples: “Board certified in pediatrics and pediatric cardiology. Assistant Professor of Pediatrics. Clinical investigator studying cardiac devices. Chair of Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee.” “Accountant. Mortgage Officer at local bank. Parent died of Alzheimer Disease. Volunteer family counselor for local Alzheimer Support Group. IRB member since 2001.”)
- Relationship of the member to the organization (e.g., current or former employee, consultant, Board of Directors, volunteer, trainee, or student. If the organization has multiple components, include both the relationship and the component with which the member has a relationship. Examples: “Retired faculty of ABC University” “Medical staff of ABC Hospital”).
- Affiliation status. (Indicate whether the IRB or EC member or any of the member’s immediate family is affiliated with the organization.)
- Office (e.g., chair or vice chair).
- Membership status (e.g., member, alternate member, or non-voting. If a member serves ex officio, indicate whether the member is a voting member).
- Alternate member for and list the members or class of members for whom the alternate member can substitute; otherwise leave blank.