Association for the Accreditation
of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. ®

Resources: For Accreditation - Evaluation Instrument

Evaluation Instrument for Accreditation

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Latest Update: February 10, 2025

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standard i-2: The organization ensures that the Human Research Protection Program has resources sufficient to protect the rights and welfare of research participants for the research activities that the organization conducts or oversees.

Resources include all needs of an HRPP, such as staff, consultants, IRBs or ECs, meeting space, equipment, finances, information technology systems, and space to store records securely, permit private conversations, accommodate computer and office equipment, and hold meetings.

There are no standards or formulas for sufficient resources; the determination is made based on outcome. If an organization meets all other Elements, resources will be judged sufficient. If an organization does not meet an Element, insufficient resources will be considered as a possible reason. An organization may rely on the services, such as the IRB or EC, contracting office, or conflict of interest committee, of another organization to supplement its resources. (See Standard I.9)

Regulatory and guidance references

Required written materials

  1. Essential requirements:
    1. The organization maintains adequate resources for support of the operations of the HRPP, including but not limited to resources such as space and personnel, in order to meet the accreditation standards.
      1. Policies and procedures describe the plan to evaluate resources needed for the HRPP.
      2. If the organization relies on the services or components of another organization, policies and procedures describe the steps followed (e.g., criteria, evaluation, or monitoring) to evaluate whether the service or component meets the relevant accreditation standards. (See Standard I-9) 
  2. When following DoD requirements:
    1. Policies describe the process to confirm approval by the appropriate DoD component prior to research starting. DoD component-level administrative review (CLAR) must be conducted when:
      1. Human participants research is conducted in a foreign country, unless conducted by a DoD overseas institution, or only involves DoD-affiliated personnel who are US citizens.
      2. The involvement of DoD personnel in the conduct of the research is secondary to that of the non-DoD institution.
      3. The research requires a waiver of informed consent pursuant to 10 USC 980, Subsection (b).
      4. The research is fetal research, as described in 42 USC 289g-289g-2.
      5. Large scale genomic data (LSGD) is collected from DoD-affiliated personnel. LSDG includes data derived from genome-wide association studies; single nucleotide polymorphisms arrays; genome sequencing; transcriptomic, metagenomic, epigenomic analyses; and gene expression data; etc.
      6. The research constitutes classified research involving human participants
      7. The research is required to be approved by the DOHRP (in addition to the COHRP) in accordance with DoDI 3216.02.
      8. Component review includes review of reliance agreements; see Standard I-9
  3. When following VA requirements:
    1. For VA facilities:
      1. The VA medical Facility Director is responsible for ensuring provision of adequate resources to support the operations of the HRPP.


  • The organization has allocated the financial and personnel resources and space necessary to carry out the operations of the HRPP in order to meet the accreditation standards.
  • The organization periodically reviews the resources allocated to the HRPP and adjusts resources as needed.
  • The organization periodically evaluates key functions of the HRPP, such as the number of IRBs or ECs, the conflict of interest committee, the quality improvement program, the educational activities, sponsored programs, and pharmacy services, and makes adjustments so that key functions of the HRPP are accomplished in a thorough and timely manner.
  • When the organization relies on the services of another organization, the organization ensures that the services meet the relevant accreditation standards.

Proceed To: STANDARD I-3