Association for the Accreditation
of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. ®

Resources: For Accreditation - Procedures


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Latest Update: January 22, 2025

Limited Site Visits

On occasion, the Council will request a Limited Site Visit.

Resolve Areas of Concern to Achieve or Maintain Accreditation

For an organization that is in the Accreditation-Pending or Reaccreditation-Pending categories or is on Probation, the Council attempts to resolve corrective actions through written communication. However, if the corrective actions are of such magnitude that a site visit (remote or in-person) is required to complete the evaluation and/or confirm the correction of deficiencies, then the Council may require a Limited Site Visit.

Limited Site Visits are also conducted when the Council deems it necessary to verify compliance with the Accreditation Standards or other requirements, or in response to information reported in an Annual Report or Status Report. Generally, AAHRPP notifies the organization of the need for a Limited Site Visit at the time it is placed in the Accreditation-Pending or Reaccreditation-Pending categories, is placed on Probation, or following the Council’s review of a Status Report or Annual Report.  In these situations, the costs of the Limited Site visit are the responsibility of the organization unless AAHRPP determines otherwise.

Inability to Conduct or Complete the Initial Site Visit

For an organization seeking Accreditation or Reaccreditation, AAHRPP may require a Limited Site Visit in situations when the initial site visit was compromised and not able to be completed. In situations where the inability to conduct or complete the initial site visit was beyond the organization’s control (e.g., a site visitor was unable to travel or became ill during the visit and could not complete the site visit activities), AAHRPP will bear the cost of the Limited Site Visit. Conversely, in situations where the site visit could not be completed due to the organization’s failure to meet AAHRPP’s stipulated requirements related to site visit preparation (e.g., the organization’s failure to produce the required documents), the organization will bear the cost of the Limited Site Visit.

Other Reasons for a Limited Site Visit

There are other situations in which AAHRPP may require a Limited Site Visit, including but not limited to, the following examples:

  • For an organization that is awarded Full Accreditation or Qualified Accreditation, the Council may require a Limited Site Visit to occur during the accreditation period to assess major changes in an HRPP or otherwise to ensure that compliance with the Accreditation Standards is maintained. In this situation, AAHRPP will bear the cost of the Limited Site Visit.
  • A Limited Site Visit may also be scheduled as part of AAHRPP's response to an organization that receives certain types of sanctions (e.g., governmental regulatory) or when an organization appears to have acted in willful disregard of AAHRPP Accreditation Standards or policies, or otherwise at the discretion of the Council. In these cases, the organization will bear the cost of the Limited Site Visit.

Proceed To: status reports